Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Good Storytelling

With friends and family scattered to all corners of the globe and a new addition to the family, I'm going to try to be accessible in this strangely passive way. I like putting the onus on all of you to figure out what I'm up to. Bummer for people without internet access.

I know two people with really fun blogs to read, but I've been told by one of them recently that boring people have the best blogs. Only time will tell where
I'll fall on the interesting scale.


Nikki said...

Onus? Maaaaan, thank goodness for context clues, otherwise I'm gonna need a dictionary to read your fricken blog.

Stop being smart. This is the internet. Take it down a notch for all of us, mmkay?


BLB said...

It's only a four letter word. Didn't you graduate with a master's degree in something or other? I expect more from *my* readers - most of them have some edumacation. I can remember reading something you wrote not all that long ago that said you were now 12 times smarter than you were.

Nikki said...

Sure, now I know what birefringence is. It wasn't a vocabulary class.

And, I know LOTS of other four letter words.