Sunday, August 12, 2012

Jack London's influence on doggy cuisine?

One of my favorite books growing up was White Fang, by Jack London.  I'm sure his other classic was the inspiration for a brand of dog food I found in the pet store Feathers and Fins.  I've been on a "hunt" for a new brand of chow to feed my own beast (no Pet Food Express on the island), and have been looking for something where the first ingredient is actually another former beast rather than a grain.

For you non-dog owners out there, your fancy dog food brands come in all sorts of formulas - for puppies, adult dogs, senior dogs, weight loss formulas, etc.  I found a brand on Guam that I'd never noticed back home called Taste of the Wild.  It advertises as being grain free, so I started to check out their product.  Perhaps their formulas are for ranges of "wild" in your dog?  The first two bags I came across had cute images of a dog pack hunting the duck and sheep unlucky enough to now be inside the bag.  Sure corralling a duck or sheep might take a little dog coordination, but we breed dogs to retreive fowl and herd animals, so in my opinion, not so "wild." Even some pigs can do that.

For wilder dogs, they also have a venison and bison blend.  I can just imagine White Fang or Buck saying, "Hey, you know what would go great with this deer we just wrestled to the ground and tore apart?  Bison!" 
And finally, for the wild and crazy Cujos out there, there's bear flavor! 

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Oh my God. I'd never hear the end of it from River if I started feeding her bear. She already thinks she's a badass and says that her "full name" is River Monster. (It's perfectly acceptable that CJ and I have our dogs talk to us all the time. Stop judging me!)