Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A perfect ten

After watching some of the Olympics last night, which are somehow fascinating to most people yet barely entertaining for me (is there something wrong with me?), Kerriann took me and Ripley to the Tasi 17 pool.  We broke about half of the rules posted on the wall as we were there after 9 PM, I had a glass container poolside, and Ripley did a lot of running.

Unlike the Olympics, watching my family at the pool was the best entertainment I've had since arriving in Guam.  K swam laps and Ripley ran them around the pool, consistently counterclockwise.  I think she was genuinely afraid for Kerriann and was trying to figure out how to save her from the water.  Every time K reached a wall, Ripley was waiting for her.  Those times K did a kickturn instead of surfacing, Ripley would bark, get even more anxious, and head back to the other side.

The final broken rule occurred when the preoccupied pooch moved a little too fast and slipped into the pool, completely by accident.  K had to boost her out of the deep end.  I almost fell off my chair.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Would have loved to see video of that! You know Savvy and Rudy would have been swimmng laps with Kerriann. Because dogs don't care about the rules. =)