These are some pictures from the Tokai Maru and Cormoran wrecks - you can touch both of them at about 94 ft, though it's too dark to get a picture of me doing so with my camera. I tried.
Up close and personal
Kerriann near the Tokai

K in the smokestack of the Tokai
Fish grazing on the side of the boat
B and K during the "Wreck Diver's Special"

Vecky's Reef drift
Kerriann plays with a huge sea cucumber
The video and photo slideshow below are combinations of footage taken from several dive sites, including the wrecks mentioned above, Vecky's Reef, Fisheye, Gab Gab 2 (where the large fish are), and the reef in front of the Hilton Hotel. Unfortunately I have no evidence of either of our dives to the American Tanker wreck, though it was definitely worth documenting. My camera batteries weren't cooperative. Next time.
Sometimes video works better than stills, sometimes it's the other way around. There's so much to say about all these dives, but school is starting soon, I've taken forever as it is to get these posted, and pictures are worth thousands of words, right? Video must be worth billions. Enjoy. I'm still working to increase the resolution. I lost an incredible amount by compressing the file so I can stream it online...
I picked a random piece of music from my iTunes library that was about as long as the video. There are some funny dramatic sound/image coincidences that happened completely by chance.