We got the link to the finale party organizer's flickr page. Check out all the photos of the craziness. The coolest ones are of us, of course. Let me just say in my defense that I did not, I repeat, NOT make the yellow sign you see me holding or on the ground in front of me. Someone made it before we got there, so since we were in front, they wanted us to hold it for the TV cameras. Not that they put us on TV or anything....
Jeff, however, DID make the red sign. Apparently Yul claimed in high school to be named after Yul Brenner, who played the king in The King and I.
I got to do a once in a lifetime sort of thing tonight. I got to watch a friend of a friend win $1,000,000 on TV tonight, live.
Yul Kwon became the most recent winner on Survivor. We've been faithfully watching all season since Kerriann went to school with him. We've had high school reunion-style TV parties and everything. Tonight's party, however, took the cake. We managed to get ourselves invited to the hometown celebration in San Mateo, CA at a bar called Kingfish. Kerriann and I and a handful of her closer high school friends joined over a hundred other people to watch three full hours of Survivor thrills. And the best thing is, we watched a live satellite feed from the East Coast, so we knew he won about three hours before everyone else did.
If you saw the celebration clip on CBS, I was the red sleeve in the bottom right hand corner, right before they cut back to the studio in Hollywood. None of us actually made in on the screen, but here are some pictures and video - we really were there! It was so much fun. The cheering you saw wasn't live, however. We faked that about 45 minutes before he actually won. They had us fake cheer three times. You saw take three. We actually cheered a lot more once we saw that Yul actually had won though. Anyway, enough writing. Check out some photos. I'd put some video up too, but most of it I think I'd get in trouble from CBS for.